Sprawozdanie z III spotkania partnerów projektu.
Valencia 27-28 października 2005


"Recognition of needs and creation of the professional training in the area of preparation and management of infrastructure construction projects financed by the European Union".

Polytechnic University of Valencia, School of Civil Engineering (PUV), 27-28 October 2005

- Prof. José Aguilar - Dean of the School of Civil Engineering, PUV,
- Dr María Boquera, Coordinator of International Affairs (School of Civil Engineering, PUV)
- Dr inż. Andrzej Minasowicz - Promoter, Warsaw University of Technology, WUT,
- Prof. Dr hab. inż. Leonas Ustinovicius - VGTU,
- MSc. Darius Migilinskas - VGTU,
- President Mieczysław Grabiec - SIDiR, Poland
- Prof. Jose Teixeira, University of Minho, UMINHO, Portugal
- Dr Eugenio Pellicer - Polytechnic University of Valencia, PUV, Spain
- Dr inż. Paweł Nowak - Director, PBCP, Poland
- Mrs. M. Amalia Sanz - PUV
- Mrs. Gloria I. Carvajal - PUV.

Project Advisory Board Members were present (at 28th October 2005):
- Prof. Joaquin Catalá - PUV



1. The meeting was open by Prof. José Aguilar, Dean of the School of Civil Engineering, PUV. He welcomed participants. Than Dr María Boquera presented the School.

2. The Promoter presented schedule for the meeting for final acceptance (see program attached).

3. Jose Teixeira presented aggregate report from the questionnaire, positive opinions about the questionnaire from Members of the Project Advisory Board and the works connected with WP II was officially finished.

4. All Partners presented the results of the WPIII - national versions of the reports and Eugenio Pellicer presented the assumptions for the layout of the General Table of Stages for the Investment Process and relevant legal regulations. Minor change was needed for the table: point 5.1.8. should be: "Economic close out of the contract between the contractor and the client or when apply - client represented by consultant (final payment and release of retainage or warranty)".

Partners agreed that WPIII will be prepared in English and national languages. The aggregate report, prepared by PUV will consist of:
- introduction,
- description of the tables,
- set of national reports in English,
- set of reports in national languages,
- comparison of the most important procedures in Partners countries for:
- preparation of the tender procedures,
- entering the contract procedures.

Procedures for tendering will be presented in the form of flowcharts (one for "design-build" and one for "build" tenders). The procedures will be presented from Contractor point of view. Contract procedures will be presented as the short description of the standards used in the Partners countries.

The legal regulation in the table, for better use, will be presented in colors, relevant to one of the group:
- general construction - BLACK
- EU directives - ORANGE
- tendering - BLUE
- health and safety - RED
- environment protection - GREEN

Some legal regulations will apply for "block" of stages (several steps of the procedure together). Some very detailed steps of the investment process will be left with no relevant legal regulations - are those regulated by standards or detailed instructions.
In Polish table - additional law will be presented - the law giving description of the independent duties and definitions of the participants of the investment process.
Jose Teixeira mentioned the intricacy of specific construction regulations and other laws (for example when externalities apply).

All Partners agreed that final national reports (together with algorithms and contract conditions descriptions) will be send to PUV before 7th November 2005 and draft final report will be send by PUV to the promoter before 15th November 2005. The final version of the report, together with algorithms comparison will be prepared by PUV before 30th November 2005 and will be discussed by all Partners in Porto.

5. All Partners presented and discussed results of the works on WP IV - the manual, teacher manual and methodology of courses. Detailed contents of the manual, examples of texts, exercises and case studies were presented.

6. The day was finished at visit to the Politechnic City of Innovation (PUV).


1. Partners continued discussion about the manual.
Partners agreed the general assumptions:

- in course manual for the participants - chapters will consist of content related text connected with the subject and case study or case studies,

- in the teacher's manual for the tutor the methodology and exercises with answer key will be presented,

- the course manual should address the practical aspects always when possible,
- case studies will be relevant to the construction infrastructure projects financed from European Union.

Partners agreed some detailed aspects for the chapters:

- chapter 1 - some written material from Partners is needed for proper preparation of the chapter, the SIDIR's questions facilitating the description of national procedures were discussed. All Partners will prepare the relevant information for SIDIR before 30th November 2005.

- chapter 2 - although the theoretical information is very important the chapter has to be practical. Some elements of the computer software has to be presented. Presentation of the ways how the Client prepared the schedule and how the Contractor, when scheduling tries to fulfill the Clients expectations. What criteria are used.

- chapter 3 - some elements of risk management have to be considered, some common exercises with chapter 2 are possible and should be considered (like control of time and cost)

- chapter 4 - this chapter will be divided on two sub- chapters: QUALITY part and H&S part.

Partners agreed the steps for preparation of the manual - see the detailed schedule of the project.

2. Methodology of courses were presented by Paul Nowak and discussed. Partners initially agreed that courses should cover 15 hours of lecturing per chapter. Methodology assumption attached. The final version of the methodology will be discussed and decided by all Partners in Porto.

3. Test courses were discussed. Partners agreed that:

- test courses will be held in national languages, in each Partner's countries,

- test course will cover 4-5 hours presentations, together with internet platform presentation,

- selected materials from each chapter will be presented,

- questionnaire will be gathered from the participants (assessment of the didactic material and methodology),

- the participants will be chosen from the construction companies and local authorities (minimum eight person per test course),

- tutor - the project representatives or appointed experts from industry.

- dates of the courses - in February / March will be agreed by all Partners before the meeting in Porto. (the "pilot test course" in Portugal will be organized before Porto meeting) - see the detailed schedule of the project.

4. Partners discussed assumptions for the Internet Platform as presented by Paul Nowak. Partners gave some advises for improvement:

- main page should be presented in national languages and English,

- Platform will consist parallel text in English and national languages,

- links to the general laws and regulations should be included in the Platform, without the detailed links to the individual articles of the law.

- place for marketing of the courses should be foreseen.
SIDIR, PUV and VGTU will send to PBCP the proper quality and format logos (in Corel Draw or Adobe Illustrator *.cdr, *.psd or *.ai) before 30th November 2005.

The second draft of the Platform will be presented in Porto. The first version attached in zipped file.

5. Partners agreed the dissemination activities:

- all Partners will maintaint the writen information about the project at their websites, with direct link to the project website at WUT server: http://www.il.pw.edu.pl/~iipbiz/leonardoIV/opiseng.htm

- all Partners will inform about the LdV project at their seminar, conferences and meetings with industry,

- the relevant publication of the questionnaire results at the "JOURNAL OF CIVIL
ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT" (ISSN 1392-3730) the official publication of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Jose Teixeira will prepare before 15th November 2005 the draft of the article. All partners - before the 7th November 2005 - will seek for national references (or state that there is no references in the relevant research areas). The article will consist of the description of the work done for WP II and description of the "statistic tools" used. Darius Miliginskas will be responsible for technical part of the article and procedures for the article publication - before the 30th November 2005 - when the text for the editor should be ready,

- Mieczysław Grabiec will prepare series of articles about the management procedures and LdV project in the bulletin of Chamber of Polish Engineers, in the first quarter of 2006,

- Eugenio Pellicer mentioned that information about the project will be published in the PUV students bulletin, as done previously, at the end of 2005, or early 2006,

- Andrew Minasowicz and Paul Nowak will prepare relevant articles for the Conference titled "Education in Civil Engineering" in Mikołajki, 21st November 2005. Information about the project will be also circulated during all courses and seminars organized by Department of Construction Engineering and Management of Warsaw University of Technology and PBCP.

- Andrew Minasowicz and Paul Nowak will prepare the relevant publication about the project in "Construction Review" (in March 2006), Polish professional magazine,

- the details of the final dissemination conference for the project (in May 2006) will be discussd by all Partners in Porto.

- all Partners will prepare the detailed information what kind of dissemination activities was done and what is going to be prepared (publications, meetings, etc.) before 15th November 2005.

- the Promoter will display the results of the questionnaire on the project website before 15th November 2005.

- all Partners will send the questionnaire results to the selected responders (those who showed the will to receive more information about the project) before 15th November 2005.

6. Partners discussed the administrative issues:

- maintaining the contacts with PAB members,

- detailed schedule of the project (see attachment)

- possible cost allocation within the Partners budget. All Partners will prepare the proposal of allocations, if necessary, for the meeting in Porto. Two categories: "staff costs" and "overheads" can not be changed.

7. Partners confirmed the following dates of meetings:

- PORTO - 23-24 February 2006

- WARSAW - 25-26 May 06 - together with final dissemination Conference.

III spotkania partnerów projektu.
Valencia 27-28 października 2005

Pliki do pobrania:

Sprawozdanie z I spotkania partnerów projektu WARSZAWA 6-7.01.2005 (pobierz plik PDF)

Sprawozdanie z II spotkania partnerów projektu WILNO 7-8.07.2005 (pobierz plik PDF)

Sprawozdanie z III spotkania partnerów projektu WALENCJA 27-28.10.2005 (pobierz plik PDF)

Raport Leonardo da Vinci WP2 (pobierz plik PDF)

Raport Leonardo da Vinci WP3 (pobierz plik PDF)