Relevant legal regulations (links) for the CONSULTANT | :
1.1.4. Financial assessment
art.2, 3, 4 - definitions, types of investment, eligible expenses;
find explanation of the above abbreviation below. Please pay attention to the
color assignment...
Acts of Polish Parliament concerning investment process in construction:
- Act on the Acquisition by Perpetual Usufructuaries of the Ownership of Real
Property (of 26.07.2001); APAFL - Act on the Protection of Agricultural and
Forest Lands (of 3.02.1995); ALMR - Act on Land and Mortgage Registers and
on Mortgage (of 6.07.1982); APN - Act on the Protection of Nature; APHM
- Act on Preservation of Historic Monuments (of 23.07.2003); ARPM - Act on
Real Property Management (of 21.08.1997); ASPD - Act on Spatial Planning and
Development (of 27.03.2003); AW - Act on Waste (of 27.04.2001); BL - Act
- Building Law (of 7.07.1994) (changed 25.09.2005) EPL - Environment Protection
Law (of 27.04.2001); GCL - Act - Geodesic and Cartographic Law (of 17.05.1989);
GMW - Geotechnical and Mining Law (of 04.02.1994); ISA - Investment Support
Act (of 20.03.2001); MA - Motorway Act (of 27.10.1994); OHHBW - Ordinance
on healthy and higiene during building works OQMBIE - Ordinance on qualifing
methods and basics in investor's estimation PG - Payments Guarantee (of 09.07.2003);
POL - Public Order Law (of 29.01.2004); RCA - Roads Construction Act (of
Copyright LdV project No: PL/04/B/F/PP-174417.
Guimares, Valencia, Vilnius, Warsaw 2006