Relevant legal regulations (links) for the CLIENT | :
3.1. Organisation of the tender for engineer (consulting engineering company)
art. 2-6 - areas covered by the act; art. 7-10 - procurement rules; art. 11-13
- public tender notice; art. 14-21 - duties of the client; art. 22-28 - duties
of the tenderer; art. 29-38 - preparation of the tender and TOR; art. 39-81 -
methods of procurement; art. 82-95 - chosing of the best offer; art. 96-98 - tender
documents; art. 118-121 - concessions; art. 161-171 - control of procurement,
art. 179-198 - legal protection; art. 199-203 - legal resposibilities; MA,
art. 40-53 - tender for construction and design for motorways; ALMR,
art. 1,4,5,7,10,16, 17, 85-86 - Vol. I: concerns the legal state of the acquisition
of the real property; GCL,
Chap. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, art. 1-4, 7, 7a, 7d, 11, 15, 20-22, 27-28, 31-32
- concerns general provisions related to the execution of geodesic and cartographic
works, principles for the registry of land and buildings, administrative bodies,
inventories and registries of the networks of utilities, principles for the delimitation
of areas; |