Relevant legal regulations (links) for the CONSULTANT | :
2.1. Organization of the tender for the contract: AEC - architecture /
engineering / consulting (design team) or DESIGN-BUILT
197/99: CAP III - Types and selection of tender [Art 78 to 86]; CAP V
- Tender limited by pre-qualification and CAP VII - Tender by negotiation with
publication requirements: Delivery, appraisal and selection of candidates phases
[Art 115 to 126, Art 137 to 145]; CAP IX -Prior consultation [Art 158 - Appraisal
of proposals; Art 160 - Final report and selection of contractor |
which has been altered by the following laws: and revokes the following laws:
DL 59/99 (2 Mar) DL 159/2000 (27 Jun); DL 163/99 (14 Set);
DL 245/2003 (7 Oct). Law set on public contracts DL 197/99 (8 Jun) DL 1/2005
(4 Jan) DL 55/95 (29 Mar) Law set on public expenditures for location and aquisition
of goods and services as well as for public contracting. P 104/2001 (21 Fev)
P. 1075/2005 (19 Oct); P. 3/2002 (4 Jan); P. 1465/2002 (14 Nov). P. 428/1995 (10
May) Typcal tender programmes and typical tender specifications for lump sum contracts
and bill of quantity contracts with design issued by the client and in pecentage
public tender arrangements. P 1101/2000 (20 Nov) P 1104/2001 (17 Set); P 69/2003
(20 Jan). Annex of the legal dispositions aplicable to design and construction
works DL 273/2003, (29 Oct) regulated by P. 101/96(3Apr) DL 155/95 (1 Jul)
General rules of planning, organizing and coordinating for promoting Safety, Higiene&Health
on the construction site connected with the minimum prescriptions required for
temporary/mobile construction sites D 41821 (11 Aug 1958) Work safety regulation
for building construction DL 46427 (10 Jul 1965) Regulation regarding the temporary
instalations for the construction workers employed DL 441/91 (14 Nov) General
principles for the promotion of Health, Hygiene & Safety at work DR 33/88
(12 Set) Regulation on construction signalling and ocasional obstacles on public
roads P 1456?A/95 (11 Dec) Minimum prescriptions on setting and using Health
& Safety signalling at work DL 141/95 (14 Jun) DL 310/86 (23 Set) Coordination
of the Health & Safety signalling at work P 987/93 (6 Oct) Health &
Safety minimum prescriptions for the work site P 101/96 (3 Apr) Health &
Safety minimum prescriptions for temporart/mobile construction sites. DL 76/2002
(26 Mar) Regulation on noise emission into the environment by equipment for exterior
use Lei 11/87 (7 Apr) Environmental foundation law DL 186/90 (6 Jun) DL
278/97 (8 Oct) Standards regarding the appraisal of the effects on the environment
by certain private and public projects. DR 38/90 (27 Nov) Evaluation of the
environmental impact (AIA) of projects that confirm significante impacts on the
environment DL 69/2000 (3 May) Law set for the Evaluation of the environmental
impact of public and private projects susceptible of producing significante efects
on the environment. DL 38382 (7 Aug 1971) Dec 38 888 (29 Ago 1952); DL 44258
(31 Mar 1962); DL 45027 (13 Mai 1963); DL 650/75 (18 Nov); DL 463/85 (4 Nov);
DL 64/90 (21 Fev); DL 61/93 (3 Mar). RGEU - General Regulations of Urban Buildings
[new version soon: RGE] DL 310/90 (1 Oct) Setting up the LNEC Quality trade-mark DL
380/1999 (22 Set) DL 53/2000 (7 Abr) DL 176-A/88 (18 May); DL 151/95 (24 Jun);
DL 69/90 (2 Mar). Law set on the territorial management tools