Relevant legal regulations (links) for the CONTRACTOR | :

4.2.1. Surveying

LAP, art.142_Checking of geometric verification of design project;
RAP, art.139-141_Checking of geometric verification of design project

Please find explanation of the above abbreviation below. Please pay attention to the color assignment...
The normative considered have been divided in several groups:

a) Procedures for tendering and contracting (in BLUE):
LAP: Contract Law for Public Agencies (2/2000)
RAP: Regulation of the Contract Law for Public Agencies (1098/2001)

b) Procedures for safety and health in construction (a general Law, appliable to every industry, a Regulation that developes it, and a specific Regulation for the construction industry, in RED):
LPR: Occupational Risks Prevention Law (31/1995)
RPR: Regulation of the Occupational Risks Prevention Law (39/1997)
DMS: Regulation of Occupational Risks Prevention in Construction Works (1627/1997)

c) Procedures for environmental impact assessment (the Law and Regulation of the Central Administration in GREEN, regional governments' laws and regulations are not considered):
LIA: Environmental Impact Assessment Law (1302/1986 & 6/2001)
RIA: Regulation of the Environmental Impacto Assessment Law (1131/1988)

d) Procedures for civil engineering and building infrastructures (several laws and regulations in BLACK):
LCR: Roads Law (25/1988)
LAG: Water Management Law (1/2001)
LCS: Seashore Law (22/1988)
LPT: Harbours Law (62/1997)
LTT: Transportation Law (16/1987)
LFC: Railways Law (39/2003)
LOE: Building Law (38/1999)

e) Procedures of the European Union (used as general reference in tendering and contracting and safety and health, in ORANGE):
EU018: Directive on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts (2004/18/EC)
EU391: Directive on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work (1989/391 CEE)
EU383: Directive supplementing the measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of workers with a fixed- duration employment relationship or a temporary employment relationship (1991/383 CEE)
EU057: Directive on the implementation of minimum safety and health requirements at temporary or mobile construction sites (1992/57 CEE)
EU085: Directive on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding (1992/85 CEE)
EU033: Directive on the protection of young people at work (1994/33 CEE)
Copyright LdV project No: PL/04/B/F/PP-174417. Guimares, Valencia, Vilnius, Warsaw 2006